Well, we have chosen our next play and are all pretty excited about it. At the end of October we will be presenting the world premiere of “I know what that is – it’s a thingumajig” by our very own John Furse. We are sure that all our regulars will love this as it has all their favourite characters and the usual mayhem.
Mavis runs the local Post Office in Gigglebeauchamp-on-Birtle, which may or may not be under threat in the latest round of cuts. Not only does she have to cope with the possibility of losing her livelihood, but a motley collection of villagers keep her on her toes. There’s well-known “dolly magnet” Davie, hotly pursued by sex mad Granny Riddle. Then there is the postman, Pat (yes, really!) who also has a nice little sideline in greengrocery deliveries from his van and George, always trying to send the most remarkable items by post to his brother.
When a mysterious package turns up things descend into madness as representatives from a research centre, including Mrs Riddle’s grandson, Jimmy, turn up to track it down. Are the Mesdames Hardacre and Hardcastle from the research centre, or are they inspectors from the Royal Mail – and which is which?
Tickets will be on sale later so make a note in your diaries to join us Thursday 25 to Saturday 27 October in the Village Hall to see how everything turns out. We can promise you lots of laughs and a few surprises, not least of which is the identity of the performer playing Granny Riddle!